TL;DR Dow’s My Piano Teacher Is Prehistoric (“The Dino Book”) is a fun and effective way to reinforce note reading skills on the grand staff in early Middle C position.
As a piano teacher, I am thrilled to share my excitement about Andrea Dow & Trevor Dow’s “My Piano Teacher Is Prehistoric.” In my dinosaur-obsessed studio, this book has become an absolute legend among my early primer piano students. Not only does it fuel their fascination with dinosaurs, but it also instills confidence in playing with A, B, C, D, and E in middle C position. This resource goes beyond music, offering engaging note reading games, warm-up exercises, a sight-reading activity, ear training, a practice tracker, and a certificate of achievement.
The Dows’ Very Useful Piano Library is truly a gem, providing a fantastic and comprehensive collection for young piano students. I highly recommend all of these books for their innovative approach and fun, humorous storylines.