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Who Slobbered On My Songbook? V. U. Level H: Supplementary Songs and Activities for Mid-Primer Piano Students

TL;DR Who Slobbered? is a fun resource we use for students who have reached the start of Dow’s Primer 3 and are beginning to play in Bass C position.

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Who Slobbered On My Songbook? is a popular selection in my piano studio for mid-primer students. The laugh-out-loud adventures of a homework-hungry dog add an entertaining twist to the learning process. Packed with seven engaging piano solos, a delightful teacher-student duet, and a variety of activities reinforcing C 5-finger scales, this resource is a perfect blend of fun and educational value. From warm-up exercises to note reading games and a practice tracker, it covers all aspects of mid-primer piano learning. My students love the humor, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness in incorporating comprehensive activities. Highly recommended for a playful and effective musical journey!

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