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Early Middle C Position Fun: Bat von Flapp’s Fairy Tales and Scary Tunes

TL;DR Dow’s Bat von Flapp is a fun and effective way to reinforce note reading skills on the grand staff in early Middle C position.

Buy it on Amazon now.

As an experienced piano teacher for over 30 years, I’m thrilled to endorse Andrea Dow and Trevor Dow’s “Bat von Flapp’s Fairy Tales and Scary Tunes, V. U. Level D.” This book is best used at the end of Dow’s Primer 1 book, injecting a whimsical charm into the musical exploration of my early primer piano students.

With a focus on A, B, C, D, and E in early Middle C position, this book boosts confidence while adding a fun dimension to learning. The eight piano pieces, featuring lyrics and two duets, not only entertain but also contribute to the students’ overall musical development.

What sets this book apart is its comprehensive approach. Beyond the captivating pieces, it includes note reading games, warm-up exercises, sight-reading activities, a rhythm exercise, a practice tracker, and a certificate of achievement. This well-rounded content ensures an engaging and holistic learning experience.

The imaginative themes and storytelling, combined with collaborative duets, capture students’ attention and foster creativity. “Bat von Flapp’s Fairy Tales and Scary Tunes” has become a favorite in my studio, igniting joy and creativity in each young musician. I wholeheartedly recommend this supplementary book to fellow teachers—it’s a delightful addition that sparks enthusiasm and musical exploration in every early primer piano student.

Buy Bat von Flapp on Amazon now.